As the use of Quidditch in schools and Physical Education lessons is becoming more and more prominent throughout the United Kingdom, we thought it would be relevant to create a blog surrounding the benefits of facilitating P.E lessons with sports such as Quidditch.
Physical Education in school is one of the most powerful ways to assist with present and future health issues for your pupils – both mentally and physically. Here are just a few benefits:
Improved Physical Fitness
As the most prominent and obvious benefit – the use of physical activities throughout the curriculum help to improve your student’s overall current physical fitness. Ensuring that children are physically fit from a young age can help prevent future health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma and high blood pressure – so it is important to create healthy habits early on within your pupil’s lives.
Teaches Self Discipline
Most people see PE as a way to ensure that students are kept physically healthy – but it also teaches them many lessons which can be converted into real-life scenarios when they grow up. Self-discipline is one of the most important skills to have – especially when revising for exams and working full time as an adult. Physical Education helps to teach this.
Improves leadership skills and goal setting
Alike to self-discipline, it is extremely important to teach your pupils good leadership skills to prepare them for their future in the world of work. Allocating team captains for sports such as Quidditch can help pupils learn to work with small groups and assist them to complete a common task (for example, score a goal). This is the same for other important skills such as communication, goal setting and working as a team.
Stress Reduction
Everyone knows that education, lessons and exams can cause mass amounts of the stress of students of a certain age – especially in high school. Encouraging fun in sports-related environments can help to give them a break from the school-related stress that they may be feeling throughout the day and give them a fun and healthy outlet for this.
Finally, one of the most important benefits of Physical Education is teaching your students respect. This includes respect for their personal physical and mental health – as well as respect for your classmates/teammates which can be reciprocated in other social and working environments.
At Enrich Education we encourage children to achieve through learning, to gain recognition for their achievements and to raise their aspirations to succeed in the future. We believe children should be involved in learning in its broadest sense, both inside and outside the classroom if they are to achieve their potential.
For more information on you can involve your school and help increase the level of education for your pupils contact us today at or contact us directly at 0151 489 1123.