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Activity: Chronology Relay – 20th Century Britain

Children are in teams. There is a set of cards for each team, with an event title card, an image card, and a date card for major events in 20th Century British history. Teams collect their cards in a relay race and put them into chronological order.


  1. Children are in teams. In a relay race, each team collects a set of cards, each of which is linked to a major event in 20th Century British history.
  2. For each event, there is an event title card, a date card and an image card.
  3. Each team has to put the event title, date and image for each event together, and to put each event into chronological order.

    Key Facts

  • History
  • Key Stage 2
  • Key Stage 3
  • British History
  • Chronology
  • Activity Cards Download Required
  • Non-orienteering resources
Go to downloads

Session Downloads

Activity Plan

.pdf178 KB


Activity Cards

.pdf3 MB


Answer Sheet

.pdf198 KB
