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Activity: Compass Cones

Compass Cones is a cooperative and inclusive activity that develops children’s understanding and use of the 4 points and 8 points of the compass and use of locational and directional language.


  1. Cones will be set out in a large 3x3 square with letters on each cone.
  2. Children will be split into groups and given a course card.
  3. They must try to navigate through the course using their knowledge of compass directions.

    Key Facts

  • Geography
  • OAA
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
  • Geographical Skills and Fieldwork
  • Activity Sheet Download Required
  • Non-orienteering resources
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Session Downloads

Activity Plan
Compass Cones

.pdf139 KB


Activity Sheet
Compass Cones

.pdf158 KB


Answer Sheet
Compass Cones

.pdf69 KB
