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Activity: ¿De qué nacionalidad eres? – Nationality

Pupils use their orienteering map to visit control points use a specified letter from the control marker to identify a phrase about nationality. They translate the phrase into English and use the Spanish phrase in a question and answer about nationality.


  1. Pupils work in pairs or small groups. They use their orienteering map to visit control points and use a specified letter from the control marker to identify a Spanish phrase about nationality.
  2. They translate this phrase into English and indicate whether the phrase is for masculine or feminine nationality.
  3. Finally, they use the Spanish phrase in a question and answer about nationality.

    Key Facts

  • MFL
  • Key Stage 2
  • Key Stage 3
  • Spanish Reading and Writing
  • Spanish Vocabulary
  • Activity Sheet Download Required
  • Orienteering Control Markers Required
  • Orienteering Map Required
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Session Downloads

Activity Plan

.pdf165 KB


Activity Sheet

.pdf143 KB


Answer Sheet

.pdf144 KB
