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Activity: Latin Animal Names

The Activity Sheet has a list of Latin names of common animals, each of which is linked to a control point. Children guess what each animal is and then visit the control point and check their guess with the picture of the animal that is on the marker.


  1. The Activity Sheet has a list of Latin names of common animals, each of which is linked to a control point.
  2. Children write their guess for the name of each animal (in English).
  3. They then use their orienteering map to visit the control point and check their guess with the picture of the animal from the control marker.

    Key Facts

  • History
  • Key Stage 2
  • Key Stage 3
  • Ancient Rome
  • Roman Britain
  • Activity Sheet Download Required
  • Orienteering Control Markers Required
  • Orienteering Map Required
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Session Downloads

Activity Plan

.pdf169 KB


Activity Sheet

.pdf125 KB


Answer Sheet

.pdf109 KB
