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Activity: Les Nombres 1-10

Pupils use their Enrich Orienteering Map to locate specific control points. At each one, they record a number from the control marker in digits and then write the French word for this number.


  1. Children use their Enrich School Orienteering Map to locate specific control points.
  2. At each control point, they record one of the numbers from the control marker on their Activity Sheet. 
  3. They then select the French word for the number from a list and write it on their Activity Sheet .

    Key Facts

  • MFL
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
  • French Reading and Writing
  • French Vocabulary
  • Orienteering Control Markers Required
  • Orienteering Map Required
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Session Downloads

Activity Plan

.pdf195 KB


Activity Sheet

.pdf145 KB


Answer Sheet

.pdf146 KB
