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Activity: Los Días – Days

Pupils complete a relay race to collect days of the week cards in Spanish. Once they have collected all 7 cards, they must arrange them in order from Monday to Sunday. The first team to finish are the winners.


  1. In teams, pupils complete a relay race to collect a set of 7 cards, each of which shows a day of the week in Spanish.
  2. Once they have collected the set of 7 cards, they arrange them in order from Monday to Sunday.
  3. Finally, each team reads out the days of the week in order.

    Key Facts

  • MFL
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
  • Key Stage 3
  • Spanish Reading and Writing
  • Spanish Speaking and Listening
  • Spanish Vocabulary
  • Activity Cards Download Required
  • Non-orienteering resources
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Session Downloads

Activity Plan

.pdf164 KB


Activity Cards

.pdf69 KB
