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Activity: Segmenting 5

Children sit in a circle. They each have a large word card. The adult calls a word and children have to ‘spell’ the word by passing the ball across the circle to each of the letters in order.


  1. Children sit in a circle. They each have a large word card and one child has a ball.
  2. The adult calls a word and the child with the ball has to pass or roll it to the first letter in the word.
  3. They then pass the ball to the next child in the circle and the children continue to ‘spell’ the word by passing the ball across the circle to each of the letters in order.

    Key Facts

  • Phonics
  • EYFS
  • Key Stage 1
  • Segmenting
  • Non-orienteering resources
  • Phonics Resource Pack Required
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Session Downloads

Activity Plan

.pdf121 KB


Phonics Resource

.pdf1 MB
