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  1. Children play in small teams. Two teams play against each other.
  2. They try to sink each other’s battleships by identifying their locations, using six-figure grid references from their Enrich Orienteering Maps.
  3. When they successfully identify the location of a battleship, they record marker number to show that they have sunk it.

Session Downloads

Battleships Orienteering
(6 Figure Grid References)
Activity Plan

.pdf122 KB


Battleships Orienteering
(6 Figure Grid References)
Activity Sheet

.pdf398 KB



  1. Children play in small teams. Two teams play against each other.
  2. They try to sink each other’s battleships by identifying their locations, using four-figure grid references from their Enrich Orienteering Maps.
  3. When they successfully identify the location of a battleship, they record the marker number to show that they have sunk it.

Session Downloads

Battleships Orienteering
4 Figure Grid References
Activity Plan

.pdf122 KB


Battleships Orienteering
4 Figure Grid References
Activity Sheet

.pdf398 KB



  1. Children will be split into teams.
  2. Each group will be given a blank map and shown the grid reference and key.
  3. They will then try to locate different symbols in specific grid references that have been taken off the map.

Session Downloads

Activity Plan
Hidden Treasures

.pdf125 KB


Activity Sheet
Hidden Treasures

.docx4 MB



  1. Children take part in the activity in pairs.
  2. The first pair places several objects on the school site. They note the 6-figure grid reference for each object.
  3. They give the grid references for the objects to the second pair, who use them to locate and collect the objects.
  4. Pairs then swap roles, with the second pair hiding the objects and the first pair locating them using their 6 figure grid references. 

Session Downloads

Activity Plan
6 Figure Grid References

.pdf119 KB



  1. Children locate grid squares on their Enrich school orienteering map, using four figure grid references.
  2. They locate any orienteering control points within each identified grid square.
  3. They visit each of these control points and record a reference from the control marker.

Session Downloads

Activity Plan
4 Figure Grid Reference

.pdf121 KB


Activity Sheet
4 Figure Grid Reference

.docx3 MB
